Becoming Your Unstoppable Best You!
Becoming Your Best Unstoppable You!... starts with
StartFragmentRefocused perspective ...Renewed momentum...Refreshed energyEndFragment
Are you like many who are getting stopped in their tracks or derailed from their true passion by being caught up in the act of living verus the enjoyment?
Becoming Your Unstoppable Best You is a journey that begins with self discovery, knowing your values, appreciating your strengths and understanding what matters to you most. With out those simple steps, we all often move so far into being what is expected of us that we totally lose track of knowing what we wanted and expected of ourselves...derailing us from the life we intended and basically stopping us in our tracks.
If you are like most people, attempting to move through your own inner obstacles is one of the biggest challenges. Believe it or not, we often are the obstacle that we have to overcome when it comes to us getting what we want.
What’s your story? What have you been tolerating that is getting in the way of your success? Make a choice to change! Get past the fear of success. Get past the inadequacies you feel about your abilities, talents or skills. Get past the idea that your dreams or goals are too big. Get past feeling overwhelmed or taking on too much. Get past not setting healthy boundaries. In your stand against those obstacles, you can tap into Your Best Unstoppable You!
Join W.O.M.E.N.'s lead empowerment coach, Dea Montgomery, Ph.D., C.P.C., Friday, April 1st for this special group coaching session and get back on the path of living the life you expected and Becoming Your Unstoppable Best You!
Date: Friday, April 1, 2016
Time: 7:00pm-9:00 pm (attendee netweaving from 6;30 - 7:00)
Location: 440 South Perry Street
(entrance in back)
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Cost: $49.00 (value of $300.00)
includes session, worksheets, netweaving and 2016 membership in W.O.M.E.N.)
Get you ticket at
Take Action Today! You don't want to miss this opportunity!
From One Empowered Woman to Another…Make Your Dreams Your Realities!
Dea Rabon Montgomery & Natolie Gray Warren