Moving From Vision to Action
Have you ever thought “why I am having difficulties taking action to accomplish my goals”?
This is a question that many have experienced and has caused some to give up. If I am talking to you, continue to read about how you can move from Vision to Action.
In order to accomplish your goals, you have to be willing to confront yourself. One of the biggest things that can get in the way is YOU. In order to move forward, you have to ask yourself if you are willing to confront your challenges or continue to allow it to be your obstacle.
•In order to lose weight, you have to be willing to confront your eating habits.
•In order to save money, you have to be willing to change your relationship with money.
•In order to become an entrepreneur, you have to be willing to confront your fear of success.
•In order to have a healthy relationship, you have to be willing to confront your need to please others and not speak your truth.
• In order to get a promotion, you have to be willing to confront your feelings of complacency and get out of your comfort zone.
•In order to network and connect with others, you have to be willing to confront your fears of being rejected.
•In order to write a book, you have to be willing to confront procrastination.
In order to accomplish your goals, you have to Move from the Vision to Action.
Join Dea Rabon Montgomery and Natolie Gray Warren as we coach you on how to confront your challenges and move from Vision to Action.
Vision To Action Party- March 2016
WOMEN (Women on The Move Empowerment Network)
Making Your Dreams A Reality
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